信息素-3 Mukhallat香水样品1ml

信息素-3 Mukhallat香水样品1ml


独特的Sharif LaRoche - 纯麝香的三个稀有宝石融入了最丰富和丰富的Mukhallats ...海狸(Castoreum),Civet和鹿麝香的复杂组合确实是芳香的,催眠的...“pheromonous”动物麝香的笔记带来神秘和阴谋,没有人不知道他们在信息素3的存在...
This fragrant diamond is not for the faint of heart, aggressively bold and intense, yet not 'in the rough', but skillfully refined and elegant to invite and attract healthy interaction and sheer moments of desire.


信息素一词源自希腊语 phero,意思是“运输”,激素意思是“刺激”。信息素是由个体分泌或排泄的化学物质,可以引发同一物种成员的某些行为或社会反应。警报信息素、食物踪迹信息素和性信息素影响许多昆虫、脊椎动物和植物的行为,就像个体之间的化学信使一样。接受者的化学、神经和生理反应是对这些化学信号的自然反应。雄性和雌性释放的性信息素告诉其他个体他们的物种、福祉、生殖能力、可用性和欲望。某些物质、化合物和兴奋剂会增加性激素的水平;这种类型的春药存在于植物、草药和动物物质中——纯麝香和真正的龙涎香被发现具有春药品质、“信息素”活性,通过其自然气味引发生理和行为反应。


The Civet is a small-sized, slender omnivorous solitary mammal which is native to tropical (southeast) Asia and Africa. Out of the dozen species of civet, the African (Palm) Civet (Civettictis civetta) is the most known, as this is the main species the civet musk used within perfumery comes from. The African Civet is uniquely recognized with black and white stripes and blotches, large hind quarters and an erectile dorsal crest. Names used for the Civet are "toddy cat" in English and "musang" in Malay, though referring to the African Civet as 'civet cat' is misleading, as this animal is not a feline, in fact, related to weasels and mongooses.




Castoreum is referred to as the yellowish secretion from the castor sac (scent gland) of the North American Beaver (Castor Canadensis) or the European Beaver (Castor Fiber) - two different types with different scents and appearance. This castoreum secretion helps the beavers keep their fur shiny and water-repellent. Both male and female beavers use the pheromone-laced castoreum mixed with urine to mark their territory. This secretion is known for its use in perfumery, medicinal use and as a food additive.

