信息素4 Vedic 10 ml萨满的香水

信息素4 Vedic 10 ml萨满的香水


Truly an ethereal otherworldly scent-sational experience that encompasses a well-balanced approach in regards to traditional perfuming - truly the essences of spiritual light that promote healing and resonates with positive energy, balancing, synergizing, altruistic. Through the annihilation of self, one may find his or her path which leads to steps of unity and oneness in all things. Though it is based upon oils of Ayurveda, it is masterfully crafted with clearly defined goals. The experience points to the fact that though all physical beings are reflective of positive and negative energy over time transformation occurs, and we gravitate towards what's best, and what's meant for us. The essential essence of life lives on in our collective memories and reemerges over time. Pheromone-4 VEDIC may unlock the mysteries, and aid in reimagining experiences via scent cues deeply embedded in our past. These cues prescribe to our higher self and its awareness is stimulated enhancing meditation, self-reflection and the inherent good.

Characteristics of Pheromone-4 VEDIC are synonymous with the positive light that is endemic to all... yet is forgotten. Adaptable to change in environment - it's balancing, holistic, it preserves, as we persevere through the challenges of our busy daily lives. Its healing properties are not in the abstract, but are a manifestation of being, seeing and knowing. A true perfume's complexity is best defined by its ability to repurpose and rejuvenate anti-cathartic properties. Though the Pheromone-4 VEDIC perfume is one of the inner healing properties, it does not lack of expressive and delightful olfactory performance, thus it is quintessentially the best of both worlds, homoeopathic and metaphysical. Pheromone-4 VEDIC is charming, outwardly evocative thought-provoking and inwardly meditative, a true perfume and a medicine for the spirit - soothing, calming, bringing order to an often chaotic world and ushering order to focus. Robust, hot-cool, naturally alternating - befitting to the climate. Wear it with a smile and see positive souls do attract in the ways of the shaman.

〜Sharif Laroche


信息素一词源自希腊语 phero,意思是“运输”,激素意思是“刺激”。信息素是由个体分泌或排泄的化学物质,可以引发同一物种成员的某些行为或社会反应。警报信息素、食物踪迹信息素和性信息素影响许多昆虫、脊椎动物和植物的行为,就像个体之间的化学信使一样。接受者的化学、神经和生理反应是对这些化学信号的自然反应。雄性和雌性释放的性信息素告诉其他个体他们的物种、福祉、生殖能力、可用性和欲望。某些物质、化合物和兴奋剂会增加性激素的水平;这种类型的春药存在于植物、草药和动物物质中——纯麝香和真正的龙涎香被发现具有春药品质、“信息素”活性,通过其自然气味引发生理和行为反应。


果子狸是一种小型、细长的杂食性孤独哺乳动物,原产于热带(东南)亚洲和非洲。在十几种果子狸中,非洲(棕榈)果子狸(Civettictis civetta)最为知名,因为这是香水中使用的果子狸麝香的主要品种。非洲灵猫具有独特的黑白条纹和斑点、巨大的后躯和直立的背嵴。果子狸的英文名是“toddy cat”,马来语是“musang”,但将非洲果子狸称为“果子狸猫”是有误导性的,因为这种动物不是猫科动物,事实上,它与黄鼠狼和猫鼬有关。




Castoreum被称为北美海狸(Castor Canadensis)或欧洲海狸(Castor Fiber)的蓖麻囊(香味腺)的淡黄色分泌物 - 两种具有不同香味和外观的不同类型。 这种阴茎分泌物有助于海狸保持其毛发闪亮和防水。 男性和女性海狸都使用与尿液混合的信息素化合物来标记其领土。 这种分泌在香料,药用和食品添加剂中的使用是已知的。


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